A: Growing industrial hemp, as a research partner in the New York State Industrial Hemp Agricultural Research Pilot Program conducted by the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, is authorized by federal and state law.
Q: How do I get the necessary permits?
A: A farm, business or researcher wishing to participate in the Industrial Hemp Agricultural Research Pilot Program can apply as a potential research partner with the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets and be considered for a permit. Contact the Department toll-free at (877) 249-6841 or email IndustrialHempNYS@agriculture.ny.gov.
Q: In what conditions will industrial hemp grow?
A: Industrial hemp can be grown on a wide variety of soils, but will perform best on deep, well-drained soils with adequate moisture. New York State, with its highly productive soils and ample water supply, is an ideal location to capitalize on the emerging industrial hemp industry. Contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension agent for additional information.
A: Please contact the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets for more information.
Q: Where can I sell my industrial hemp?
A: Selling industrial hemp products is permitted in connection with market and other research. Industrial hemp can be used to produce a wide variety of goods, including clothing, cosmetics, insulation, paper, and thousands of other consumer products.
Q: What is the difference between industrial hemp and marijuana?
A: While industrial hemp is the same genus and species as marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.), the varieties of the plant used for industrial hemp purposes have a delta-9 tetra-hydrocannabinol (THC) level of less than 0.3%.
Q: Who can I call if I have questions?
A: The NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, Plant Industry Division. Call toll-free at (877) 249-6841 or email IndustrialHempNYS@agriculture.ny.gov.
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