MDARD Industrial Hemp Regulatory Reminder

As you enter into the first harvest season, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is reminding growers that all industrial hemp crops must be tested for THC content prior to harvest.  Currently, MDARD is the only lab approved for this regulatory compliance testing. Growers must first schedule a test with the MDARD Geagley Lab by calling 1-800-292-3939 (M – F, 8 am – 5 pm)Sample receiving will be scheduled for a specific day and samples must be received by the date you have been scheduled in order to get your results the following week. 

Thinking of Starting a Hemp Business in Michigan?
Licensing and Processing License Consultation
Contact Komorn Law 248-357-2550

Sampling should be done according to Procedure # MDARD-HEMP-201908-1 which can be found under the “Forms” tab at  Undried samples should be sent to the Laboratory where they will be oven dried, ground, tested for moisture content, and analyzed to determine both the THC and CBD content, on a percent weight basis. The total THC (THC + THCA) must be less than or equal to 0.3% for the crop to be compliant.  Results of testing will be communicated to the grower electronically, by Thursday of the following week.  Crops must be harvested within 15 days of the date the results are emailed to the grower.

If the THC levels determined by your sample analysis results exceed THC concentration level allowable by law, you may destroy the crop or repeat the testing an additional two times.  Crops determined to be non-compliant after the third test will be ordered destroyed.