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Thank You to All

First off…Thank you to all the volunteer speakers, volunteers, sponsors and attendees that took part in the event. The admission paid went to support the event activities, food, expenses and for future actions taken to move the Hemp Industries forward in Michigan. The event is also to bring together all who would like to venture into the Hemp business. Strength in numbers!

Event Recap

The Michigan Hemp Industries May event gathered those near and far interested in hemp and what the industry holds for the future.

From Traverse City, Saginaw, The Detroit Area, and from other states like Ohio, North Carolina and Wisconsin they came.

Food was consumed while the attendees networked and exchanged thoughts, ideas and contact information.


Attorney Michael Komorn opened the event with talking points of what the Michigan Hemp Industries has done and what the MHI is planning on doing in the near future. He mentioned a letter submitted by the MHI previously to the Michigan Governor to review the process of growing Hemp this 2019 season. Komorn also mention focusing on a farmer’s bill of rights to protect farmers from law enforcement issues and treat hemp just as one would corn.

Allen Peisner – presented the history of Hemp and it’s uses through out time as well as some local Michigan history about John Sinclair.

Chris Dolinski – spoke about Protecting Intellectual Property from his experience in the field. Chris discussed how intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. He talked about the idea of protecting your trademarks early on so one can secure their product or service identity.

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State Representative Sherry GayDagnogo  Spoke about Hemp and Cannabis Banking Regulations and legislative topics that are in process.

Roman Vyskocil – Spoke passionately about making and using hempcrete and it’s use in construction as well as several events occurring this year through out the nation and globally.

Stephanie Lana closed the event and spoke about the National Hemp Industries Association and the upcoming Hemp History Week event in Ann Arbor.

More networking and business connections went on for awhile till the event closed down later than scheduled.

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